Cut-A-Thon Program

Cut-A-Thons benefit everyone involved – the salon, the stylists, and the community as a whole.

Pearlcoin Group will provide Hair Donation Specialists with all the materials necessary to hold a Cut-A-Thon:

Guidelines: Step-by-step instructions to be successful.

Press Release: To announce your Cut-A-Thon to the public including the date, your location, and the requirements.

Pledge Sheet: Give to donors to obtain pledges for each inch of hair cut or a total monetary donation.

Signage: You will receive a template for a sign that you can place in your salon advertising the Pearlcoin Group Cut-A-Thon.

Fact Sheet: Provides essential information listing all that you need as the salon owner/operator for hosting a Cut-A-Thon.

Cut-A-Thon Guide

Proven PR = Community Awareness = Increased Sales

As you develop hair donation programs and share them with the public, you will help support the Pearlcoin Group mission, promote your generosity, and also help your salon.

We will provide you with the press release template to share your wonderful Cut-A-Thon story with the public:

  • Announce your partnership with Pearlcoin Group
  • Promote coin collection boxes for hair donation programs
  • Promote your Sponsor A Child fundraising
  • Announce your salon is holding a Cut-A-Thon

We can also provide you with a template to create a flyer customized to promote activities and hair donation programs at your salon. All Hair Donation Specialists are featured on our website.

You should start recruiting potential hair donors and stylists as early as possible for your Cut-A-Thon. Some states have rules limiting locations where stylists can cut hair, so remember to ask about these state licensing laws when you inquire about stylist’s availability.

If you are planning on holding a Cut-A-Thon somewhere other than a salon, you’ll want to consider a place that has power, water, plenty of light and seating for hair donors. You’ll also need a table for stylist equipment, hair donation forms, shipping materials, a container for monetary donations, and room for Pearlcoin Group display materials.

Stylists should bring scissors, styling tools, products, and smocks. We ask that stylists not only donate their time to cut the ponytails or braids, but to also provide styling, which we hope will encourage future donations and help the stylist gain new clients.

Making A Difference

Evan’s Donation

Two-Year-Old Rocks Her New Hairpiece

Teacher and Five-Time Hair Donor Provides Boosts of Confidence